Recent content by Arroyo083

  1. Arroyo083

    No electrical power all of sudden while driving

    So I pull out of a parking lot and give it some gas because it was an unprotected left hand turn and traffic was coming. My truck died, no lights, no power, nothing. Luckily I coasted to the nearest parking lot. I checked terminal wires, there’s spark at my starter… I tried jumping it, in case...
  2. Arroyo083

    How do I use the tank selector on 1973 Camper Special

    I’m so lost haha. If it’s going to the passenger’s side, no matter what, why is there a selector? That’d be great if I only had to fill one side and it all fills up and it just draws from one side, as if I just had a huge tank. But I don’t think that’s how it’s working.. man this is complicated.
  3. Arroyo083

    How do I use the tank selector on 1973 Camper Special

    Thanks guys. New issue is gas is spewing out of the main/passenger side at the fuel neck/gas cap. I see it has a vent line on the neck to the tank… idk why this is happening. Maybe just a new gas cap? I feel like it was a lot one time.
  4. Arroyo083

    How do I use the tank selector on 1973 Camper Special

    Thanks everyone! I’m assuming everything is working. The middle, can’t see in the picture, shows an “M” that I didn’t see before. I assume that’s for main because it was using the passenger side tank when I had it positioned to that when I bought it. And sounds like everyone is saying the pass...
  5. Arroyo083

    How do I use the tank selector on 1973 Camper Special

    Thanks everyone. I’m currently using the “R” or what I think is positioned at the R.. so we’ll see if it’s using from the other tank now. The driver’s side that is. Hopefully everything works and I don’t need to pump 20 gal out haha.
  6. Arroyo083

    How do I use the tank selector on 1973 Camper Special

    All great questions. Older man I bought it from didn’t know much. He bought it from his friend who owned it since he bought it new. Had the camper when he bought it but sold it to a different friend. Old man I bought it from bought it from first owner in 2018 and said he didn’t drive it so he...
  7. Arroyo083

    How do I use the tank selector on 1973 Camper Special

    Hmmm. Idk if it works or not lol. Guess I gotta keep driving her until I find out the hard way.
  8. Arroyo083

    How do I use the tank selector on 1973 Camper Special

    Here are all photos I took! Thanks for the reply! It’s like 1st owner deleted that (your right) drivers side option. Idk if R means right or reserve.
  9. Arroyo083

    How do I use the tank selector on 1973 Camper Special

    Hi there! Just bought this 1973 Camper Special. I have a manual selector on the floor area, closest to the driver’s side door. I’ve never owned one of these trucks and today the long part of the valve was completely straight up, pointing towards the sky. Don’t believe my gauge/sending unit is...

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