Recent content by 85K30

  1. 8

    TH400 Acting Up

    Nope! Back to the drawing board! She is still responding the same way. I went as far as replacing the Vacuum Modulator (Red Stripe) and no difference. I am starting to think it may be a line pressure issue for the direct drive clutch.... dunno.... I might need professional help on this...
  2. 8

    TH400 Acting Up

    OK, I "Think" I found the issue. I figured it had something to do with the modulator as it seemed a vacuum issue. I had the carb rebuilt and after I put her back on the 454, it ran fine. I DID however, forget to go and retourqe the carb to manifold bolts after she got to temp. I found the...
  3. 8

    TH400 Acting Up

    Ok! I went out this morning and disconnected the kickdown switch on the accelerator pedal. Even disconnected, the trans acts exactly the same. Could it be something to do with the vacuum modulator? :confused:
  4. 8

    TH400 Acting Up

    Thanks in advance for any assistance I get from this thread! I have a 1985 K30 7.4L TH400. It has 74K original miles on the clock. The issue I am experiencing is this: Fresh start in the morning, trans shifts fine. Drive truck for about 15 miles, and she starts to act as if she always...

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