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    • 7
      79kcrew replied to the thread Heat box swap.
      The thought was to use the entire box with the electric blend doors
    • 7
      79kcrew reacted to SquareRoot's post in the thread Heat box swap with Like Like.
      1st post. Welcome. Don't be a drive by, stick around and engage a bit. First of all, define "Heat Box". You talking about the heater...
    • 7
      79kcrew replied to the thread Heat box swap.
      Yes the whole enclosure, my thought was to try and swap essentially the entire system, climate control and all over since I’m already...
    • 7
      79kcrew replied to the thread Heat box swap.
      Just poor output, last winter I had to pull over and scrape ice off the windshield a handful of times in roughly 25 miles. Replaced...
    • 7
      79kcrew reacted to Catbox's post in the thread Heat box swap with Like Like.
      Welcome and I think you should do it and chronicle your efforts here with loads of photos.
    • 7
      79kcrew posted the thread Heat box swap in Heat & AC.
      Has anybody done or attempted to swap the heat box out of a 99-07 Silverado? Just not happy with the factory system and I’ve got a...
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