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    • My78truck
      My78truck replied to the thread Gas Gauge issue.
      Good point(s). Thanks
    • My78truck
      My78truck reacted to Ricko1966's post in the thread Gas Gauge issue with Like Like.
      Why run it dry? Fill it run it 100 miles,fill it. Do the math now you'vegot a baseline I drove 100 miles on 10 gallons of gas so, I get...
    • My78truck
      My78truck replied to the thread Gas Gauge issue.
      Thank you. I did restore, but only for my satisfaction and pride. I will fill her up, take an odometer and run her dry, take an...
    • My78truck
      My78truck replied to the thread Gas Gauge issue.
      Hello, after a year............ Truck is short bed. The 8.5 gal pegged it at full. I have clocked the mileage around town from fill up...
    • My78truck
      Yeah, I would definitely prefer a nice OE one, but all the ones I find are in as bad a condition as mine and cracking, cracked or...
    • My78truck
      I found a suitable replacement if you are interested, look above in this chain for info and pictures.
    • My78truck
      If anyone is looking to replace theirs, I finally found a suitable replacement. tt is a bit of a PiA to get on but looks nice. Word of...
      • hood 1.jpg
      • hood 2.jpg
      • trim package.jpg
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