Well, today was a good day. Didn't get to fix the main problem, but did help the truck a bit.
So that's good.And, may not be as exciting for you but.
Today was the first day I went into the scrap yard some since before the accident.
Probably in the top 3 places I like to be.
I checked the t case fluid. Pulled fill plug, and it was bone dry. First thought, oh **** she's dry. Stuck my finger in her hole, and guess what? She was dry. Now I'm panicking. So I quickly pull the drain plug, and got covered with atf, while making a mess on the street at my inlaws. Whoops.
Ill post a pick of something that raised alarm that also came out the drain plug hole. it was a little nylon/other plastic piece, that looked as if the chain had been rubbing on it. T-cases are new territory for me, so Idk the inner workings besides mines a chain one, and I'm guessing it has brake in it attached to the e brake? So, needless to say I have no clue what it would be. Or if there is more...that's a different day.
Continuing, remember I said the brace for the t case that mounts sorta o by the starter was missing a bolt?
Well in the scrap yard I came across a 1/2 ton Jimmy, with a t400 and 208.
What do you know, top of the motor was gone, as was all chevy heads, but underneath I found: the bolt I needed, (none I had would work), a vac mod, (red stripe one

), diff cover bolt I needed, and also snagged couple interior pockets, some bulbs, and Sun visors.
So first, after already fighting it for a hr before we left, I tried to put in the brace bolt. Fought it for another hr. And of course this is the dirtiest part of the truck.came to the conclusion that the last bolt was never lost, just lost its head.
So now being 6hrs away from all my tools, I'm wondering how to get this some bitch out. I've never had to do a bolt extraction anyways. And it's not like it's out in the open. At all. Any ideas, ill find what I need tool wise between family and the pawn shop, (also a top place for me), but how to go about it? Header, driveshaft, tyranny and box are all working against me in that area.
Frustrating af. So I move to the vac mod, install it with little to no problem. Just a fkn mess down there. Didn't touch the e adjustment, on the test drive she shifted better, but still shook.
Went to rear diff to put in bolt, cuz it was leaking from the top. realised I had already done that and attempted to goop up the bolt recently with rtv. That's where she was leaking, so I went to tighten down the bolt.
And then I remembered why it was like that. She was stripped out.
I remember noticing the missing bolt and leak when I bought it. Wth was i thinking.
So now I get to learn how to tap and thread a hole.
so far, truck 2, me 1.
I get up top and do the drivers side header gasket. I couldn't take it anymore. Was more pita then the passenger side. Gasket was trashed on cylinder 7, rest were mediocre at best.
Get that installed, start it up and I have a little victory feeling for a moment.
Slight moment.
She was still making racket, but finally I could hear it.
Sounds like a vavle, but when I got under her, sounded like the bottom end. Yikes. But didn't sound like a rod.