Recent content by GothRod

  1. GothRod

    customs door handles

    I found this clip...right AFTER I finished shaving my handles. lol. A quick search on Ebay should land you the handles, but I dunno about the surrounding door skin. -John(now stuck at the computer watching PowerBlock online...)
  2. GothRod

    Bvllsh!t on craigslist.

    Oh almost forgot....this guy bought this car from me a few months ago for $500. Love how spray bombing the fiberglass air dam flat black creates carbon fiber hahahaha!! No rust, nope none at all...well, unless you count that you could Flintstone it from either seat.... Oh yeah, $4 means...
  3. GothRod

    Bvllsh!t on craigslist.

    Got 'ya beat...sad thing is there was like 20(seriously) accounts for sale in my area. I mean, I like the game but holy ****! -John
  4. GothRod

    Mickey Thompson SR's...

    I wanna tub my truck and had decided on the Mickey SR's since I want to be able to drive year round. I saw that Coggedbelt was having issues in rain, but those tires are suposed to work fine in water. I emailed Mickey Thompsons tech and they replied- "The S/R will do fine in the rain as that is...
  5. GothRod

    this forum is a ghost town lately.

    Hahaha I know...I need to see someone about this before its too late. -John
  6. GothRod

    this forum is a ghost town lately.

    I bin playing World of Warcraft....I have no excuse lmfao! How a 30 year old guy gets addicted to an online world of dorks is beyond me... Crap...I need to go check my auctions. -John(I promise to check in more often)
  7. GothRod

    Junkyard finds - post yours?

    After a bunch of dissapointments with the "modern" wrecking yards around here(the final straw was the guy at the counter wanting $30 for a plastic S-10 emblem...) I pretty much ask buddies or hit up Craigslist for my used parts. There is only one yard I frequent but I have to go when a certain...
  8. GothRod

    Static drop for those on an xtreme budget...

    Hahaha yeah, I think that unless you spend an assload of money you're gonna have to make sacrifices. The front isn't bad, I'm happy with the ride/drive. The rear is really rough(but bearable) but since I plan on tubbing it in the near future its only temporary. -John
  9. GothRod

    My late-est hack-fest...

    I used a skil-saw actually, believe it or not. I have a sawzall but my friend thought the cut wouldn't be strait enough and came up with the skil-saw idea. Just a plain wood cutting blade. I still haven't finished it yet... -John
  10. GothRod


    I've thought of it alot. I've been helping my friend swap a Cummins into a '59 Chevy 4x4. In the beginning stages so not much to report lol... I'd like a Duramax in either of my trucks. -John
  11. GothRod

    TH400 needs help

    In Car Craft magazine they suggested using the microswitch they sell in Summit or Jegs for nitrous activation for the kickdown if you have an aftermarket carb or lost the clunky stock piece. A quick search on Summit pulled this up...
  12. GothRod

    New skin design for!

    Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet! -John
  13. GothRod

    My late-est hack-fest...

    ^^^hahahahahaha thats funny ****! Would probly sell too... -John
  14. GothRod


    My advice is to do what I do when facing these kinda problems; take it to a shop. I found a shop in the next town over where they are more than happy to simply diagnose my rig and let ME do the fixing. It runs $49.95 there, a fraction of the cost of the parts you end up throwing at it otherwise...
  15. GothRod

    My late-est hack-fest...

    I think it will be better at keeping out exaust fumes, something that my stock tailgate and glass was completely worthless at doing. It will be alot easier to heat with less cabin area. I can build a spare tire carrier that can hold a full size spare. It won't be like every other K5 in town...

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